- by Fans for Fans -

First, these are only recommendations for being a Fangirl. Of course not everything we tell is gold.

We do NOT want to suggest that any other opinion is wrong!

We are always open to suggestions, critics and/or praise here.

  1. Have fun! Enjoy your time with your actor/actress!! :-)
  2. Always be kind to your actor/actress.
    Its easier said than done. Because kindness also includes to respect their boundaries, respect their privacy and respect their 'No' even if it makes you sad.
  3. Travel around the world for them,
    but do not follow them to their hotels or restaurants or other private activities. They appreciate fans much more who give them privacy. And believe us, they really do!
  4. If you're lucky meeting them in the town they're visiting, consider who they're with and what they're doing before asking to get a pic / autograph / chat. They're on vacation. There are official on location filming opportunities or Conventions for such things, because there they'll feel comfortable to meet you, too.
  5. Don't ask embarrassing or weird questions.
    Of course funny questions are something nice. Check out our blog "What to ask at Q&A's / Panels".
  6. Don't ask for embarrassing, weird or complicated Photo Op poses.
    Think about it that way "Would I be comfortable doing this with a stranger?" Check out our blog "Photo Op Ideas".
  7. Be always prepared for the actor/actress.
    Get your pen ready for the autograph, carry your camera close to you, be in Selfie mode on your phone etc. Time is money - and nerves - after all :-)
  8. Don't get too close if you're taking pics of the actor/actress,
    it's a kind of respect and they'll be thankful. Do not use for all pics flash as well.
  9. Always ask before touching and/or hugging your favorite.
    Think about how you would feel if you'd be in their situation. Not everyone wants body contact with a stranger.
  10. Think about your gifts.
    We are sure you always do, but gifts should be stuff you would like to get, too. Consider that they can buy a lot of stuff themselves. Consider also some things you know about the actor/actress, p.e. does he/she have kids, is he/she vegetarian/vegan, does he/she loves animals, is he/she active for our environment? Make your gift special. Examples: buy a book for a kid AND adult to read, plant a tree with a company somewhere in the world (who needs a star after all, right? ;-) ), make a donation to an organization they're fond of (like supporting LGBT or kids or animals). Anything is possible!